WIZARD: 'Trail Of Death' Album Update!

Die deutschen WIZARD haben vor kurzem die Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Albums "Trail Of Death" angekündigt, das am 27. September 2013 bei Massacre Records erscheinen wird. Zum lyrischen Inhalt hat jetzt Drummer Snoppi folgendes auf der offiziellen Facebook Seite gepostet:

"Perhaps some people ask themselves why Wizard is doing an album about death and not about northern mythology or fantasy like on the past nine albums.

"I want to try to explain it in a few words. This is the first time I wrote the (most) lyrics for a Wizard album. For over ten years now I have to think about my death and death in general (no, I am not ill or anything like this). I don't want to, but the feeling is there, somehow. And to be honest, it scares me a lot.

"To think that the moment will come where you really face your last minute on earth is not a very great one I am looking forward to. So how can someone ease this feeling? Perhaps religion? Or just (try to) ignore it? Very difficult and I really don't have an answer for it. It would be fantastic if there would be an afterlife, but we cannot be sure.

"So I tried to write things down in the lyrics to show different views of death. Some have an intention, others are meant in a more funny way. I hope that you can respect these very personal feelings and perhaps one or two people are inspired to think about this theme.

"Death is not 'cool' for me and the theme was never meant to handle about because death fits so good to heavy metal (you know, death metal etc., the more brutal the cooler it is).

"If there is anybody more interested in the lyrics or has questions about it, you can of course ask me and start a conversation. Metal to the end!"

Quelle: Stormbringer.at
