THE AMITY AFFLICTION: Titel Song 'Chasing Ghosts' im Stream!

Das neue THE AMITY AFFLICTION Album mit dem Titel "Chasing Ghosts" kommt am 18. September 2012 via Roadrunner Records in den Handel und gestern wurde der Titel Song "Chasing Ghosts" HIER als Stream online gestellt!

Sänger Joel Birch sagte:
"I wrote Chasing Ghosts as a narrative based wholly around someone that has committed suicide and has passed onto the other side.
It's a story that I hope people will see for what it is; an example in song of why you should turn to someone close and talk instead of taking that last fatal step towards death prematurely.
I just want to reiterate to people that once you're gone, that's it.
There's no ghosts. There's no heaven, no hell, just finality and the wreckage left behind in the wake of their decision."

