Nicht so gute Nachrichten erreichten uns am frühen Montag morgen:
Die Old School Death Metal Band MASSACRE hat die angekündigte Januar / Februar Tournee 2012 abgesagt
Bandmitglied Eric Greif dazu: "The band was looking forward to the trip but got spooked when no contracts or deposits materialized, despite repeated requests to the agent.
They'll instead head over later for some summer festivals that don't conflict with Terry's OBITUARY commitments."
Terry Butler fügt hinzu: "Writing and playing again with Rick has been a lot of fun and it will be great to get back to Europe playing these songs."
MASSACRE Line Up im Jahr 2012:
* Mike Mazzonetto (M INC., PAIN PRINCIPLE) - Drums
* Frederick "Rick Rozz" DeLillo - Guitar
* Terry Butler - Bass
Anbei die Tourdates die leider INS WASSER FALLEN:
Jan. 25 - Osnabrück, Germany @ Bastard Club
Jan. 26 - Munich, Germany @ Backstage
Jan. 28 - Zürich, Switzerland @ Industrie 45
Jan. 29 - Lyon, France @ Le Kao
Jan. 30 - Paris, France @ Divan Du Monde
Feb. 03 - Valencia, Spain @ Durango Club
Feb. 04 - Badalona/Barcelona, Spain @ Estraperlo Club
Feb. 05 - Montpellier, France @ Secret Place
Feb. 07 - Maribor, Slovenia @ Mc Pekarna
Feb. 08 - Zagreb, Croatia @ Tvornica Kulture
Feb. 11 - Winterthur, Switzerland @ Gaswerk
Feb. 13 - Dresden, Germany @ Chemiefabrik
Feb. 14 - Berlin, Germany @ K-17
Feb. 15 - Bochum, Germany @ Matrix
Feb. 16 - Leer, Germany @ Zollhaus
Feb. 17 - Eindhoven, Holland @ Dynamo
Feb. 18 - Rotterdam, Holland @ Baroeg
Feb. 19 - Drachten, Holland @ Iduna
Quelle: Stormbringer.at